الرئيسية > الزين والحداكة > قصة مؤثرة.. بنت قرعة بقات بشعر مستعار 6 شهور باش مايشوفهاش صاحبها – تصاور
17/10/2019 04:00 الزين والحداكة

قصة مؤثرة.. بنت قرعة بقات بشعر مستعار 6 شهور باش مايشوفهاش صاحبها – تصاور

قصة مؤثرة.. بنت قرعة بقات بشعر مستعار 6 شهور باش مايشوفهاش صاحبها – تصاور


ميريكانية فعمرها 24 عام ملي كان عندها عامين وهي قرعة بسبب مرض “الثعلبة البؤرية” وهادشي خلاها سنوات طويلة كدير بيروك باش تعيش حياتها طبيعية بعيدا على نظرات الناس لي مكترحمش.

وكشفت صحيفة “ذي صان” قصة الفتاة وقالت أنها مؤخرا تعرفات على شاب لي بغاتو وبغاها لكن بقات 6 اشهر وهي كتنعس حداه بالبيروك لأنها خافت يشوفها قرعة.

واحد النهار استجمعات القوة ديالها وقررات تحط صورها على فايسبوك بدون بيروك، وتفاجآت ملي الشاب جاه الأمر عادي، وأكد أنه كيبغيها لشخصها وماشي لحاجة أخرى.

وكتبات آبي أندرو على صورها “الحياة قصيرة بزاف باش الواحد يتقلق من الشعر لي طايح”.

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Throwback to a photo I posted earlier this year ???? it made me a little uncomfortable that the article posted about me on the Daily Mirror today focused heavily on my first boyfriend’s reaction to learning that I had alopecia. (They also got a lot of details wrong, so I shall be posting a YouTube video within the next few days setting the record straight.) It’s cool to have had an article published about me in such a major publication, but I’m disappointed that the writers and editors chose not to focus on the empowering milestones in my struggle with alopecia, and instead chose to focus on my dating life (with an ex no less), because as we all know, being accepted by a romantic partner is the only thing us baldies care about ????????????‍♀️ When I “came out” about having alopecia, it was a very powerful moment for me and it had nothing to do with wanting validation from a guy, or anyone for that matter. Yeah, he was cool about it, but any decent human being should be. If he had reacted negatively, that would have just meant he was an asshole, and I would have moved on. So for the article to praise his reaction and make that the focus of the article is so backwards and weird.. but I guess what else would you expect from a sensationalist media outlet? Anyway, if you wanna hear the true story, follow me here, follow me on YouTube. I’m a strong lady and I feel like that article framed me in a weak way that I feel the need to push back against. I’m still working on being 100% confident with my alopecia without a wig, but I am NOT at the mercy of other people’s opinions as that article made me out to be. I opened up to the world about having alopecia because I didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore. Swipe to see the original snippet I posted to Facebook. It was just about telling as many people as I could at once so I didn’t have the option to go back into my comfort zone. I wanted to force myself to face it head on. It had nothing to do with any specific person or guy ????????‍♀️ and I’ve come a long way from the small details from 2014 that the article for some reason decided to dwell on. . . . . . #alopecia #confidence #beautystandards #baldgirl #transformation #makeup

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